Hares: Willing Filling and Baggage Claim are going to take us on a flour power journey.
With these two you know it is going to be so good, so good !
More details soon.......
Time: 1 PM Sunday, April 6th.
Location: TBD
What is Asheville Hares and Hounds Hash House Harriers (AVLH5) Hashing?
Hashing is a mixture of running, orienteering, and a treasure hunt.
Bascially it's a group run where the
Hare (who does not want to get caught) gets a head start and lays a deceptive
trail of marks and clues and are then followed by the Hounds trying to find them,
with a regrouping mid trail for everyone to catch up, with beer and water, then off with the hares again.
We never know where the hares will go....city, suburbia, woods ??? only the hares know..
We like it dog and kid friendly, occasionally stroller friendly.
We are a fitness-oriented and running-focused kennel
Our trails are 5 to 6 miles, with one beer stop. (non-alcoholic beverages included)
Our goal is family-friendly!!! No nudity, drugs and public drunkenness--for a party kennel,
We encourage you to seek out AVLH3, Asheville's original hash kennel, and their weekly Saturday Hashes.
AVLH5 is a donation-based kennel. You supply us with the beer, we supply you with trails. Bring a six-pack or more to trail and we can guarantee you a good time.